Follow these quick steps to setup your environment for working with the Scanerr API

API structure


All of the API endpoints follow the same basic structure.

PathAllowed methodsUsage
/<object>POSTcreate object
/<object>s/deletePOSTdelete many objects
/<object>/<object:id>GET, DELETEretrieve or delete single object
/<object>?limit=10&offset=0GETretrieve paginated object list
/<object>/<object:id>/leanGETretrieve abbreviated object

API Setup

  1. Set an env variable, SCANERR_API_BASE_URL to https://api.scanerr.io/v1/ops
  2. Retrieve your API token located in your account page
  3. Set another env variable, SCANERR_API_TOKEN to Token <your_super_secret_api_token>
  4. Be sure to export / import these variables into your working directory when using
Last Updated:
Contributors: Landon, landon