
Scanerr offers four paid plans Basic, Pro, Plus and Custom.

Setup billing for your account.

  1. Once you've created and acount and are logged-in, navigate to the billing page.
  2. Select one of the four paid plans Basic, Pro, Plus, or Custom.
  3. Enter your billing info in the Billing Method section and click submit.
  4. Once the transaction succeeds, your account is funded.

Update billing for your account.

  1. Navigate to the billing page and select the plan you want to switch to.
  2. Then select update and wait for the process to complete.
  3. If you need to pause or activate your account, simply click the toggle on the right.
  4. If you need to update your billing method, simply enter the new informtion in the Update Billing Method section and click update.
Last Updated:
Contributors: landon